Apr 28, 2017
Chasing Portraits author and documentarian Elizabeth Rynecki talks to Daniel Ford about her emotional and personal project to find her Polish-Jewish great-grandfather’s paintings that were lost during World War II.
To learn more about Elizabeth Rynecki, visit her official website, follow her blog, like her
Apr 26, 2017
Carolyn Stotesbery, who plays Eli in John Shea’s “Grey Lady,” talks to Daniel Ford about her path to becoming an actress, how she got attached to “Grey Lady,” and what lessons she learned from the talented cast and crew.
“I just love telling stories," says Carolyn Stotesbery.
“Grey Lady" premieres April...
Apr 24, 2017
Hollywood screenwriter William C. Martell talks to Sean Tuohy about how he broke into the movie business, his screenwriting process, and how he deals with rejection and changes to his scripts.
“What’s on your laptop screen is never going to be what’s on the cinema screen.”—William C. Martell
To learn more...
Apr 21, 2017
Julie Buntin, author of the recently published Marlena, talks to Daniel Ford about what inspired her debut novel, writing about the contrasts between her home state of Michigan and her adopted home in New York City, her publishing journey, and why aspiring writers should be willing to make mistakes.
“Follow the...
Apr 17, 2017
Portland Helmich, television host, producer, writer, and actor, talks to Daniel Ford about her nonlinear career path, the art of interviewing, matching wits with F. Lee Bailey, delivering a winning performance on The Moth, and her work on the “Stranglers” podcast.
To learn more about Portland Helmich, visit her